Credit by Exam and Grade Advancement
Credit by Examination—If a Student Has Taken the Course/Subject (Grades 6–12)
A student who has previously taken a course or subject but did not receive credit or a final grade for it may, in circumstances determined by the principal or attendance committee, be permitted to earn credit or a final grade by passing an examination approved by the district’s board of trustees on the essential knowledge and skills defined for that course or subject. Examples of prior instruction include incomplete coursework due to a failed course or excessive absences, homeschooling, or coursework by a student transferring from a nonaccredited school. The opportunity to earn credit by examination after the student has had prior instruction is sometimes referred to as “credit recovery.” The attendance review or appropriate committee may also offer a student with excessive absences an opportunity to earn credit for a course by passing an examination or completing appropriate assignments. If a student is granted approval to take an examination for credit, the student must score at least 70 on the examination to receive credit for the course or subject. [See the school counselor and policy EHDB(LOCAL) for more information.]
The testing windows for students in 6th - 12th grade are in October, December, February, and April. Exams are also scheduled as needed for credit recovery.
Credit by Examination for Advancement/Acceleration—If a Student Has Not Taken the Course/Subject
A student will be permitted to earn credit by examination for an academic course or subject area for which the student had no prior instruction for advancement or to accelerate to the next grade level. The examinations offered by the district are approved by the district’s board of trustees. Testing windows for these examinations will be published in district publications and on the district’s website. A student may take a specific examination only once per testing window. The only exceptions to the published testing windows will be for examinations administered by another entity or to accommodate a student experiencing homelessness or a student involved in the foster care system. When another entity administers an examination, the student and the district must comply with the testing schedule of the other entity. Page 59 of 131 If a student plans to take an examination, the student or parent must register with the school counselor no later than 30 days prior to the scheduled testing date. [See policy EHDC for more information.]
The testing windows for elementary students are the first week of June and the first week of August. Testing has to be completed with sufficient time remaining to acquire scores for placement.