Social-Emotional Systems of Support
Lackland ISD provides a strong team and support system to meet the counseling, social-emotional, and transition needs of our students. This team is comprised of school counselors, the Social-Emotional Support Coordinator and Interventionist, Military Family Life Counselors (MFLC), and the School Liaison Officer (SLO). Although services and supports may overlap this table serves to delineate where more specialized services may be available. Students, parents, and families may contact either of these service providers directly and each will be instrumental in providing guidance towards working with the best person to support unique and individual student needs. These services are provided in virtual and face to face settings, as appropriate.
Click here to review our Comprehensive School Counseling Program matrix and find the support that is best designed to meet your child's needs.
Click here to find campus listings of Lackland ISD Counseling Services.
To connect with a Military Family Life Counselor, please complete the form found here and submit it to your child's grade level counselor.
Click here for a list of external resources to support your child.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) have created some helpful resources for addressing mental health care during an outbreak. These resources can be found here.