Dear LISD Staff, Parents, Students, and Community Partners, The Lackland Independent School District Calendar Committee met on Monday, February 7, 2022 to draft the 2023-2024 District Calendar and recommend an update to the 2022-2023 District Calendar. The change to the 2022-2023 calendar (not this year’s school calendar) involved moving Spring Break back one week (from March 6-10 to March 13-17). This change was proposed to align Lackland ISD’s Spring Break with the Spring Break of the other two military districts. The purpose of this alignment is to ensure the Military Cooperative located in the Ft. Sam Houston Independent School District which serves some of our special needs students is able to serve all students equitably. Having different Spring Breaks would cause our students to miss two weeks of instruction. This change also aligns with the Spring Breaks of some of the larger school districts in our area which many of our staff reside. We would like you to review both calendars and provide any feedback you may have concerning the recommendations. The following process will be followed to facilitate the approval of the 2023-2024 draft calendar and updated 2022-2023 calendar:
Please remember that the calendar is subject to change and can only be changed by the LISD Board of Trustees. The deadline for providing feedback is Friday, February 18, 2022. Thank you for your support of Lackland ISD. Respectfully, Dr. Burnie L. Roper |
- Lackland Elementary