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Child Find

Child Find Notice

The Special Education Department at Lackland Independent School District offers the Child Find process to serve children and their families in our community. Child Find is a process designed to identify, locate, and evaluate individuals from birth to 21 years of age who may need special education and related services. Child Find is a free referral and information service that helps individuals, including children with disabilities attending private schools, who need assistance with learning challenges which prevent them from doing well in school. By pinpointing problems early, Child Find offers every infant, child and youth an equal chance to achieve their full potential.

First page of the PDF file: ChildFindPosterSP


First page of the PDF file: Special-Education_SB_139_-_Lackland_Elementary_-_Crawford


First page of the PDF file: Special-Education_SB_139_-_Lackland_Elementary_-_Crawford

6th - 8th

First page of the PDF file: Special-Education_SB_139_-_Stacey_-_Flores


First page of the PDF file: Special-Education_SB_139_-_Stacey_Jr_Sr_High_-_Medellin_Keller

El Departamento de Educación Especial del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Lackland ofrece el proceso Child Find para servir a los niños y sus familias en nuestra comunidad. Child Find es un proceso diseñado para identificar, ubicar y evaluar a personas desde el nacimiento hasta los 21 años de edad que puedan necesitar educación especial y servicios relacionados. Child Find es un servicio gratuito de referencia e información que ayuda a las personas, incluidos los niños con discapacidades que asisten a escuelas privadas, que necesitan ayuda con los desafíos de aprendizaje que les impiden tener un buen desempeño en la escuela. Al identificar los problemas a tiempo, Child Find ofrece a todos los bebés, niños y jóvenes las mismas oportunidades de lograr su máximo potencial.


First page of the PDF file: updates-on-special-education-spanish_-_crawford


First page of the PDF file: updates-on-special-education-spanish_-_crawford

6th - 8th

First page of the PDF file: updates-on-special-education-spanish_-_Flores

9th - 12th

First page of the PDF file: updates-on-special-education-spanish-_MK