Lackland Independent School District Logo

Purchasing Cooperatives

In accordance with School Board Policy CH Local, the Board shall approve any single, budgeted purchase of goods or services that costs $50,000 or more, regardless of whether the goods and services are competitively purchased. The Board delegates to the Superintendent and/or Chief Financial Officer the authority to make single, budgeted purchases for goods or services that cost less than $50,000.

The District uses the purchasing methods allowed by state law such as competitive bidding, competitive sealed proposals, interlocal agreements and other methods, as appropriate.

To increase efficiency and effectiveness, the District participates in numerous interlocal agreements for purchasing cooperatives with other local governments and with state agencies. A list of the purchasing cooperatives and their respective weblinks are posted below:

Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Buy Board
Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Risk Management
Education Service Center, Region 20
The Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN) - ESC Region 4

The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS-USA)
Goodbuy Purchasing Cooperative - ESC Region 2
Property Casualty Alliance of Texas (PCAT)


A copy of each cooperative's EDGAR Compliance Letter shall be on file prior to making federally-funded purchases.